First Visit
Your initial appointment will consist of a consultation / evaluation explaining your diagnosis and treatment options. An evaluation appointment is required before we can schedule any treatment appointment. We cannot schedule the evaluation and treatment appointments on the same day. Most treatments can be completed in one appointment after the consultation / evaluation appointment. However, a complex medical history or treatment plan may require more than one appointment to complete treatment.
Please assist us by providing the following information at the time of your consultation:
- Your referral slip and any X-rays if applicable.
- A list of medications you are presently taking.
IMPORTANT: A parent or guardian must accompany all patients under 18 at the consultation visit and be present during the entire treatment appointment.
Please alert the office if you have a medical condition that may be of concern prior to surgery (i.e. diabetes, high blood pressure, artificial heart valves and joints, rheumatic fever, etc.) or if you are on any medication (i.e. heart medications, aspirin, anticoagulant therapy, etc.) or require medication prior to dental cleanings (i.e antibiotics, for pre-med.) Patients with certain medical conditions and or extensive medical records may be required to have a medical release form completed by their medical provider prior to any treatment being performed.
We ask that you contact your general dentist to request recent (within 6 months) x-rays (bitewing and PA) be sent to our office electronically at [email protected]. If your dentist does not send requested x-rays by your appointment day we will take a bitewing and PA at our facility. On most if not all patients a CBCT 3-D Scan is taken of the tooth you are being referred for at the evaluation appointment. The CBCT produces a 3-D image of the tooth and is taken on a case by case basis determined by Dr. Tolba at the time of your first appointment. Dr. Tolba utilizes the 3-D image to diagnose, get a more detailed image of the anatomy of your tooth and is a standard of care in our office.